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Using components (o2) with the Origami Build Service

With the Origami Build Service you can add “o2” components to your website with a single link and script tag. This is a good approach for:

  1. Teams who can’t or don’t want to maintain front-end build tooling.
  2. Projects where customisation and performance is less of a concern.

Note that the Origami Build Service doesn’t support newer “o3” components. Please let the team know if this is a feature you would like to see.


To get started with this approach add a Build Service link (CSS) and script (JavaScript) tag to your project’s HTML.

This should include a comma separated list of the Origami components you need; the brand you would like; and the system code of your project. See the Build Service API reference for more details.

E.g. To include o-footer CSS and JavaScript:


Then copy HTML for your component from Storybook. To do so, find a component in the sidebar that meets your needs and then select the “HTML” tab.

Components also include a markup section in their README file which describes their HTML structure and possible modifications. This is also available for each component from the Storybook sidebar.

class="o-footer o-footer--theme-dark"
<!-- footer markup taken from Storybook -->

If you have questions or need help please reach out to the Origami team at any time.