Origami Newsletter, July 2019
TL;DR:This issue talks about the summit, bundle sizes and how we saved $2000
Top three things
These are some of the bigger things we’ve done over the last month.
We had a Summit, and we have a roadmap
The team met up for the Origami Summit at Tootsie’s house, and discussed all the things we’d like to do this quarter. Rowan’s made an updated roadmap with what we’re going to work on, who’s taking the lead and when we expect to get it done.
Bundle size in Origami Repo Data
Lee added each component’s bundle size to the Origami Repo Data. Soon we’ll start surfacing this information on component pull requests. Another way for us to always be improving the performance of websites that use Origami.
Origami Navigation Data is $2000 cheaper a year
Jake wrote a tool called Static Site Fastly Deployer. It lets you host a static site entirely on Fastly’s infrastructure, with no back-end. It’s based on a similar tool by Fastly’s own Kate Flavel. And it’s already in use! It’s replaced the expensive S3 buckets from which we used to fetch the navigation data, saving us $170 a month!
Special thanks
Our special thanks this month goes to the engineers on Comments team!
They’ve been thorough and thoughtful about the use of the specification, working closely with us and considering how the component fits into the wider Origami ecosystem.
So, thanks Glynn Phillips, Keran Braich and Tunca Bergmen!
Broader update
A digest list of other things that have happened over the last month.
- We released a tool for building a polyfill.io url from static analysis of your javascript
- 6 new faces were added to the headshots
- o-spacing was pulled out of o-typography and dependents were updated to use it
- Origami Component Converter, the tool we use to ready components for publish to npm, finally got some tests and documentation!
- MINOR: Origami build tools now tests in dart-sass as well as node sass!
- PATCH: Github label sync supports mixed-case labels now
- MINOR: The color contrast warnings were removed from o-colors when in silent mode